Hypodermic Needle
The hypodermic needle model is straight away applied with the title of the article (Playing violent video games for just 20 minutes a day can encourage aggressive behaviour). The consumer instantly knows what the article is about and even if they don't read the article and just see the title they will still have the knowledge about the current events in game related news and how video games are effecting today's children.
This is another article from the daily mail about symptoms that can be developed that are still ignored by children and parents who don't know anything about it.
I believe that video games are an outlet for children and teenagers to relieve stress and tension. I believe that video games do more harm than good there will always be the random anomaly that takes the game too seriously and goes too far but it shouldn't mean that video games should be looked at with a bad light due to people that aren't mentally stable and take the game too seriously.
Two-Step Flow Model
The Two-Step Flow Model is evident when they are talking about Jamal Edwards success. Because me made his fortune from YouTube (SBTV) and mass media it's evident that Jamal Edwards
Pewdiepie (The most subscribed person on all of Youtube)
All five of these people have influnced media today and smosh have their own TV show that is coming out soon and they already have a magazine in the USA. All five of these people have their own clothing brands and people are generally buying these prodcucts and wearing them.
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